Mason Mayhem
Developing For An Arcade Machine
Mason Mayhem is a 2D boss rush developed primarily for the Winnitron arcade machine. The game contains three bosses, with an additional easter-egg boss within the credits, each with unique move sets and arena hazards. Mason Mayhem can be played by one to four players at the arcade machine, with players capable of joining and leaving mid-fight to allow for a low commitment experience for any players interested in hopping into the mayhem!
Additional Information
Role: Programming Lead
Game Engine: Unity
Built For: Windows PC, Winnitron Arcade Machine
Development Time: 0.5 years
Team Size: 32 People
Acting As Programming Lead
With a team of 32 game developers, Mason Mayhem was my first experience with a double digit development team. The team was divided into four groups (art, audio, design, and programming), with each group having a lead. Voted into the role of lead by my fellow programmers, I designated and monitored tasks among the growing and contracting group of developers under my supervision. Leading by example, I made sure to assign myself plenty of tasks each week and kept an upbeat attitude when meeting with my team to discuss the weekly sprint ahead. While the experience wasn't without its hiccups, I ultimately view my time as the programming lead as successful and productive, with many lessons from the experience helping guide my future endeavors.
Playable Status
Playable for free via download through
The first level where the player fights the "Green Machine" is currently in the works to be implemented into George Mason University's Green Machine official website. Once added, a link will be provided.